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Showing posts from June, 2022

The Costly Love of God

I recently had a brief conversation with my nurse practitioner about church.  I mentioned I knew a church in the area where she grew up.  She replied that she was Catholic growing up but would now be Unitarian if anything.  She then explained, 'I just believe in loving everyone.' I have thought about this brief exchange for the past few days as it is full of interesting points.  First, she implied that churches with commitments to doctrine or ethics are not as loving.  Second, the exchange begged the question, 'What is love?'  Her version of love is, undoubtedly, a product of a relativistic worldview that values toleration, acceptance, and diversity.  It might be called, 'permissive love.'  For her, permissive love is the highest version of love.  Third, her concept of love did not need God but was humanist.  We should love one another unconditionally and, if there is a god, then that god's love needs to look like our permissive love. So, what kind of lo