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Showing posts from January, 2024

A Classic Theological Curriculum

Introductory Remarks Having worked over many years in theological education in Africa, Europe, and the United States, I have often been involved in discussions about theological curricula.  I am placing here my view of what should constitute a classic theological curriculum from an orthodox, Evangelical perspective. Little commentary will be offered, but a few introductory remarks seem necessary.  First, this is proposed for a more British or European approach than an American approach to theological education.  One reason for this is that many countries follow the former model, with its theological training at the bachelor's level rather than the master's level and with a three rather than four-year undergraduate degree.  A further reason for this is that the luxury of an education in most parts of the world cannot dream of a four year undergraduate degree in any subject followed by another three years of a taught master's degree such as the Master of Divinity.  One will

Resource Update: Children's Discipleship and the Christian History Institute

I have updated my blog on resources for children's ministry ( ) with the following recommendation:   Christian History for Children and Adults: The Christian History Institute has produced a number of magazines, videos (animation, movies), etc. on Church history and theology.  Rooting children in the faith through our stories is important, and this institute's work is excellent ( ).    Here is a brief overview of the Christian History Institute Through animated DVDs or movies, children (and adults!) can learn the stories of John Newton, Mary Slessor, Richard Allen, St. Patrick, C. S. Lewis, Hudson Taylor, Adoniram and Ann Judson, Harriet Tubman.  The Torchlight series is animated and perfect for a young audience. Prices are reasonable, retailing for $14.99 but presently discounted.  Movies sell for a little more but are also presently discounted. Through t

Time Travellers at the Jordan River

Note: this satirical story is a response to the Church of England’s official blessing of same sex unions and some in the Church arguing against any need for repentance and to the Pope approving of general blessings for ‘irregular’ relationships.  These reversals of practice are responses of these Churches, while theologically different, to include homosexuals in the Church in their sexual identities and relationships.  The new teachings contradict both Scripture and the Church's teaching for 2,000 years.   John popped another locust with a dribble of honey into his mouth.  He loosened his leather belt so that the camel hair garment he wore did not chafe his skin so irritably.  Looking up, he saw a crowd already descending from the Jerusalem road to the Jordan River.  People from all over the Jordan region and Judea regularly sought him out in the wilderness to hear him speak of the coming Kingdom of God and to repent of their sins through baptism in the Jordan.  The crowd this morn