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Showing posts from August, 2024

Cancel Culture (Poem)

  Cancel Culture All that our ancestors laboured to build, Civilisation , In but a day, we reduced to rubble. Déconstruction . Their grandest design we disdain. Dérision . Their clever literature— Litter, assured. Their honour— Their shame. Condamnation . Give us liberty, we’ll give you death. ‘Let the dead bury the dead,’ Once it was said. Éradication . ‘The future is ours,’ That’s what we said. Présomption . Tear it all down, Burn it to the ground. Annulation . L'existence précède l'essence. Évolution . So, we’ll take it from here. We’ll make it from here. Auto-actualisation . Not them.   Just us.   Justice. Right—us.   Righteous.   Auto-béatification . C'est maintenant notre heure de manger. Notre heure , Our hour. Substitution . We are youth.   Adolescents . Révolution .

The Intrauterine Device (IUD) for Contraception and Christian Moral Considerations

Introduction Contraceptive methods include the rhythm method (or Natural Family Planning), barrier methods (condoms, diaphragms, vaginal sponges, cervical caps, spermicidal foams, gels, creams), hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills, Depo-Provera, Norplant), intrauterine devices, and sterilization.  The RU-486 (or similar American version, Ella) is abortifacient in that it starves the foetus of nutrition, resulting in death.  Several related Christian ethical considerations include: ·        Marital and sexual ethics (the right place of sex only in marriage; the purpose of marriage for procreation and/or spiritual/marital union, and/or avoidance of temptation) ·        Ethics of contraception ·        Ethics of abortion ·        Medical interventions for fertility/infertility (fertilization, sterilization) ·        Ethics of surrogacy A broader, Biblical understanding of life, sex, and marriage undergirds Christian convictions about such topics. [1]  In this essay, I intend to