A Prayer of the Unborn for Life and against Abortion

Though I have not yet sight, O My God,

Look Thou upon my sorrowful estate and bring me Thy help!

For I am vulnerable, oh so vulnerable.

More than the orphan or widow in the grasp of the unrighteous,

I can do nothing to save myself.

I hear others plotting to end my life,

Readying their instruments of death

To destroy me for their own gain.

Though I have not yet my own voice, O My God,

Raise up a cry for me, I pray,

From the lips of the righteous before a just judge.

For my enemies speak evil against my life,

Though I am innocent of wrongdoing;

Even my mother, who might tenderly nurture me,

Has determined to destroy me,

As though her choice to kill, not my very life,

Were a human right!

I know not my father, but I would know Thee, O Father God.

My mother in her brokenness and pain,

Would break me, hurt me, and put me to death.

O LORD, make haste to help me!

O LORD, make speed to save me!

Let those be put to shame and disappointed altogether

Who wish to snatch away my tender days

And deny me years of life,

For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are Thy works, My Father;

My soul knows it full well.

My frame is not hidden from Thee

As I am being formed in secret

And intricately and marvelously woven together.

Thy eyes have seen my unformed substance.

Even before my first day in the womb,

Was I not reckoned in Thy book?

Save me, O God!  Save me

From those whose rights lay claim to my life,

The life that Thou has given to me.

Save me, O my God!  Save me!

(Some wording from Psalms 40, 109, and 139)

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