What Are You?


What Are You?


What are you,

That hates children?

That dismembers them in the womb?

That sends them bruised to hospital beds?

That acts out distortions of womanhood in their libraries

And destroys our daughters’ sports with your fake identities?

That proudly parades your perversions in our streets?

That invades their private spaces?

That sexualizes our little ones

And teaches them your deviancies and abuses?

That sells them deadly drugs

And the lie that they should have butchers cut them into the opposite sex,

Then pumps them with more drugs and pseudo-psychology?

That captures them in the bubble of social media’s echo chamber,

Ever weighing themselves and being weighed by others?

That hides their struggles from their parents?

That ridicules their ethnicity, sex, and religion,

Then tells them they can choose any identity?

That tells them they must not appropriate another culture

Then that their own culture has been cancelled?

That traffics them in bondage to fulfill your lusts?

That kills them in their schools?

That offers no value, no virtue, no meaning,

Just conformity, self-loathing, and manufactured guilt without forgiveness?

Why must you drive our children to suicide?

Why do you teach them the world is made of victims and oppressors, with no heroes?

Why do you twist their thinking,

Saying their history, their race, their gender is wrong?

Why do your minions want our children

When they will not procreate in natural marriage?

What are you

That has emerged from the shadows of darkness and death,

Dressed in borrowed virtues to hide your monstrous scales,

Slithering out from the chaotic, primeval sludge

To play god with our little ones?

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