Short Bibliography on Christian Missions

 This brief bibliography is meant to help orient students to the study of Christian missions.

Adna, J. and H. Kvalbein, eds.  The Mission of the Early Church to Jews and Gentiles.  WUNT 127. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000.

Alvarez-Cineira, D.  Die Religionspolitik des Kaisers Claudius und die paulinische Mission.  Herders Biblische Studien 19.  Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 1999.

Ashford, Bruce Riley, ed. Theology and Practice of Mission: God, the Church, and the Nations. Nashville: B&H, 2011.

Barram, Michael. Mission and Moral Reflection in Paul. New York: Peter Lang, 2006.

Bartholomew, Craig G., and Michael W. Goheen. Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story. 2nd edition. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2014.

Bauckham, Richard.  Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern World.  Carlisle: Paternoster Press and Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2003.

Beeby, Harry Daniel. Canon and Mission. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity, 1999.

Blackburn, W. Ross.  The God Who Makes Himself Known: The Missionary Heart of the Book of

Exodus.  New Studies in Biblical Theology.  Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Academic, 2012.

Blenkinsopp, J.  'Second Isaiah--Prophet of Universalism.'  JSOT 41 (1988): 83-103.

Bolt, P. G. and M. Thompson.  The Gospel to the Nations: Perspectives on Paul’s Mission.  Leicester: IVP, 2000.

 Borman, L. and K. del Tredici and A. Standhartinger.  Religious Propaganda and Missionary

Competition in the New Testament World.  Festchrift for D. Georgi.  NT.S 74.  Leiden, New York, Löln: E. J. Brill, 1994.

Bosch, David.  Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission.  American Society of Missiology Series 16.  Maryknoll: Orbis, 2001.

Bowers, W. Paul.  ‘Mission.’  In Dictionary of Paul and his Letters.  Eds. G. F. Hawthorne, R. P. Martin, D. G. Reid.  Downers Grove, Leicester: IVP, 1993.  Pp. 608-619.

Bowers, W. Paul.  ‘Religious Propaganda in the First Century.’  NT 22 (1980): 317-323.

Brown, S. ‘The Matthean Community and the Gentile Mission.’  NT 22 (1980): 193-221.

Brownson, James V. Speaking the Truth in Love: New Testament Resources for a Missional Hermeneutic. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity, 1998.

Dodds, E. R.  Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991 (first published 1963).

Dollar, Harold. St. Luke’s Missiology: A Cross-Cultural Challenge. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1996.

Glasser, Arthur F., with Charles E. Van Engen, Dean S. Gilliland, and Shawn B. Redford. Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God’s Mission in the Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003.

Feneberg, R.  Der Jude Jesu und die Heiden: Biographie und Theologie Jesu im MarkusevangeliumHerders Biblische Studien 24.  Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 2000.

Flemming, Dean. Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2005.

Flemming, Dean. Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing, and Telling. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2013.

Flemming, Dean. Why Mission? Nashville: Abingdon, 2015.

Flett, John G.  The Witness of God: The Trinity, Missio Dei, Karl Barth, and the Nature of Christian Community.  Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010.

Gehring, Roger. Studie Hausgemeinde und Mission: Die Bedeutung antiker Jäuser und Hausgemeinden—von Jesus bis Paulus.  BWM 9.  Giessen: Brunnen, 2000.

Gelston, A.  'The Missionary Message of Second Isaiah.'  SJT 18 (1965): 308-318.

Goheen, Michael W. Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History, Issues. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2014.

Goheen, Michael W. A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2011.

Goheen, Michael, ed.  Reading the Bible Missionally.  Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016.

Goodman, M.  Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Gorman, Michael J. Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015.

Gottwold, N. K.  All the Kingdoms of the Earth.  New York: Harper and Row, 1964.

Grams, Rollin G., I. Howard Marshall, Peter Penner, Robin Routledge, eds.  Bible and MissionSchwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag, 2008. 

Grams, Rollin G. 'Narrative Dynamics in Isaiah's and Matthew's Mission Theology.'  Transformation 21.4 (Oct., 2004): 238-255.

Grams, Rollin G.  ‘Paul Among the Mission Theologians.’  Missionalia (3, 2006).

Green, Michael.  Evangelism in the Time of the Early Church.

Guder, Darrell L., ed. Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.

Hadaway, Robin Dale.  A Survey of World Missions.  Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2020.

Hahn, F.  Mission in neutestamentlicher Sicht: Aufsätze, Vorträge und Predigten. 

Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen.  NF 8.  Erlangen: Erlanger Verlag für Mission und Ökumene, 1999.

Hahn, F.  Das Verständnis der Mission im Neuen Testament.

Halas, H.  'The Universalism of Isaiah.'  CBQ 12 (1950): 162-170.

Haydock, Nicholas. The Theology of the Levitical Priesthood: Assisting God’s People in Their Mission to the Nations. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015.

Hollenberg, D. E.  'Nationalism and the nations in Isaiah XL-LV.'  VT 19 (1969): 23-36.

Irvin, Dale T. and Scott W. Sunquist.  History of the World Christian Movement.  Vol. 1: Earliest

Christianity to 1453.  Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001.  Vol. 2: Modern Christianity from 1454-1800.  Pub., 2012.

Kaiser, Walter C.  Mission in the Old Testament: Israel as a Light to the Nations.  Grand Rapids: Baker. 2000.

Kasdorf, H. and F. Walldorf, eds.  Werdet meine Zeugen: Weltmission im Horizont von Theologie und Geschichte.  Holzgerlingen: Hänssler, 1996.

Kato, Z.  Die Völkermission im Markusevangelium: Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. EHS 23.252.  Frankfurt: P. Lang; Bern: H. Lang, 1986.

Kelhoffer, J. A.  Miracle and Mission: The Authentication of Missionaries and Their Message in the Longer Ending of Mark.  Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000.

King, Roberta R.  Global Arts and Christian Witness: Exegeting Culture, Translating the Message, and Communicating Christ.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019.

Kirk, J. Andrew and Kevin J. Vanhoozer.  To Stake a Claim: Mission and the Western Crisis of Knowledge.  Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999.

Köstenberger, A. J.  The Missions of Jesus and the Disciples According to the Fourth Gospel: With

Implications for the Fourth Gospel’s Purpose and the Mission of the Contemporary Church.  Grand Rapids: ?, 1998.

Köstenberger, A. J. and P. T. O’Brien.  Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of

Mission.  New Studies in Biblical Theology 11.  Leicester: Apollos; Downers Grove: IVP, 2001.

Laansma, Jon, Grant R. Osborne, and Ray Van Neste, eds. New Testament Theology in Light of the Church’s Mission: Essays in Honor of I. Howard Marshall. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2011.

LaGrand, J.  The Earliest Christian Mission to ‘All Nations’ in the Light of Matthew’s Gospel.  Grand Rapids, Cambridge, U.K.: Eerdmans, 1999.

 Lane, T. J.  Luke and the Gentile Mission: Gospel Anticipates Acts.  EHS 23.571.  Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1996.

Lange, J.  Das Erscheinen des Auferstandenen im Evangelium nach Matthäus: Eine traditions- unredaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Mt. 28.16-20.  FzB 11.  Würzburg: Echter, 1973.

Larkin, W. J. and J. F. Williams, eds.  Mission in the New Testament: An Evangelical Approach.

American Society of Missiology Series 27.  Maryknoll: Orbis, 1998.  [articles on mission in Mt., Paul, etc.]

Legrand, L.  Unity and Plurality: Mission in the Bible. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1990; French original, 1988).

Marshall, I. Howard and D. Peterson, eds.  Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts.  Grand Rapids, Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 1998.

Martin-Achard, R.  A Light to the Nations: a Study of the Old Testament Concept of Israel's Mission to the World.  Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1962.

McKnight, Scott.  A Light Among the Gentiles: Jewish Missionary Activity in the Second Temple Period.  Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991.

Neill, Stephen.  A History of Christian Missions.  New York: Penguin Books, 1991.

Nissen, Johannes. New Testament and Mission: Historical and Hermeneutical Perspectives. 2nd edition. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2002 (Danish original, 1996).

Nock, Arthur Darby.  Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo.  Clarendon Press, 1933.  Reprinted by Johns Hopkins, 1998.

O’Brien, P. T.  Gospel and Mission in the Writings of Paul: An Exegetical and Theological Analysis. Grand Rapids: Baker; Carlisle: Paternoster, 1995.

Okoye, James Chukwuma. Israel and the Nations: A Mission Theology of the Old Testament. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2006.

Okure, T.  The Johannine Approach to Mission: A Contextual Study of John 4.1-42.  WUNT II.31. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1988.

Ollrog, W.-H.  Paulus und seine Mitarbeiter: Untersuchungen zu Theorie und Praxis der paulinischen Mission.  WMANT 50.  Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1979.

Pak, J. Yeong-Sik.  Paul as Missionary: A Comparative Study of Missionary Discourse in Paul’s

Epistles and Selected Contemporary Jewish Texts.  EHS XXIII 410.  Frankfurt, Bern, New York: P. Lang, 1991.

Park, E. C.  The Mission Discourse in Matthew’s Interpretation.  WUNT II.81. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1995.

Peace, R. V.  Conversion in the New Testament: Paul and the Twelve.  Grand Rapids, Cambridge, UK: W. B. Eerdmans, 1999.

Penner, Peter F. Missionale Hermeneutik: Biblische Texte Kontextuell und Relevant LesenSchwarzenfeld: Neufeld, 2012.

Penney, J. M. The Missionary Emphasis of Lukan Pneumatology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.

Piper, J.  Let the Nations Be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.

Porter, Stanley E., and Cynthia L. Westfall, eds. Christian Mission: Old Testament Foundations and New Testament Developments. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2010.

Redford, Shawn B. Missiological Hermeneutics: Biblical Interpretation for the Global Church.  Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2012.

Reinbold, Wolfgang.  Propaganda und Mission im ältesten Christentum: Ein Untersuchung zu den

Modalitäten der Ausbreitung der frühen Kirche.  FRLANT 188.  Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000.

Reisner, R.  Die Frühzeit des Apostels Paulus: Studien zur Chronologie, Missionsstrategie und Theologie.  WUNT 71.  Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1994.

Rhoads, D. M.  ‘Network for Mission: The Social System of the Jesus Movement as Depicted in the Narrative of the Gospel of Mark.’  ANRW II.26.2, 1692-1729.

Rowley, H. H.  The Missionary Message of the Old Testament.  London: Carey, 1955.

Russell, Brian D. (re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World. Eugene, OR: Cascade.

Scheurer, E.  Altes Testament und Mission: Zur Begründung des Missionsauftrages.  TVG Monographien und Studienbücher.  Giessen: Brunnen, 1996.

Schnabel, Eckhard J. Early Christian Mission. 2 volumes. Downers Grove, IL: Inter- Varsity, 2004.

Schnabel, E. J.  ‘Jesus and the Beginnings of the Mission to the Gentiles.’  In Jesus of Nazareth: Lord

and Christ: Essays on the Historical Jesus and New Testament Christology.  Eds. J. B. Green, M. Turner.  FS I. H. Marshall.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; Carlisle: Paternoster, 1994.  Pp. 37-58.

Schnabel, E. J.  ‘Mission, Early non-Pauline.’  In Dictionary of New Testament Background.  Eds. C. A. Evans, S. E. Porter.  Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2000.  Pp. 752-775.

Eckhard J. Schnabel, Paul the Missionary: Realities, Strategies and Methods (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2008).

Schreiter, Robert.  Reconciliation: Mission and Ministry in a Changing Social Order.  Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1992.

Schwanz, Keith, and Joseph Coleson. Missio Dei: A Wesleyan Understanding. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill, 2011.

Scobie, Charles H. H.  'Israel and the Nations: An Essay in Biblical Theology.'  Tyndale Bulletin 43.2 (1992): 283-305.

Scott, J. M., ed. Paul and the Nations: The Old Testament and Jewish Background of Paul's Mission to

the Nations with Special Reference to the Destination of Galatians.  WUNT 84.  Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck] 1995.

Senior, Donald and Carrol Stuhlmueller.  The Biblical Foundations for Mission. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1983.

Sittler, Gerald L.  Resilient Faith: How the Early Christian ‘Third Way’ Changed the World.  Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2019.

Smither, Edward L.  Christian Mission: A Concise Global History.  (Lexham Press, 2019).

Stenschke, Christoph.  ‘Neuere Arbeiten und Tendenzen zur Mission im Neuen Testament.’  European

Journal of Theology XI (2003): 1.  Pp. 5-20.

Steyne, P. M.  In Step with the God of the Nations: A Biblical Theology of Mission.  Columbia: Impact International Foundation, 1997.

Stott, J. M.  Paul and the Nations: The Old Testament and Jewish Background for Paul’s Mission to the Nations.  WUNT 84.  Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1995.

Sunquist, Scott.  Explorations in Asian Christianity: History, Theology, and Mission.  Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017.

Terry, John Mark and Robert L. Gallagher. Encountering the History of Missions: From the Early Church to Today.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2017.

Wagner, Ross. Heralds of Good News: Paul and Isaiah “in Concert” in the Letter to the Romans. Leiden: Brill, 2002.

Weaver, D. J. Matthew’s Missionary Discourse: A Literary Critical Analysis.  JSNT.SS 38.  Sheffield: SAP, 1990.

Wilk, F.  Die Bedeutung des Jesajabuches für Paulus.  FRLANT 179.  Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998.

Wilk, F.  Jesus und die Völker in der Sicht der Synoptiker.  BZNW 109.  Berlin, New York: W. de

Gruyter, 2002.

Wilson, S. G.  The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts.  SNTSMS 23.  Cambridge: CUP, 1973.

Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative.  Downer’s Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2006.

Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Mission of God’s People: A Biblical Theology of the Church’s Mission. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010.

Wright, Christopher J. ‘Truth with a Mission: Reading All Scripture Missiologically.’ SBJT 15.2 (2011): pp. 4-15.  Also: Cambridge: Grove, 2005.

 Articles on Missional Hermeneutics

 Barram, Michael. “The Bible, Mission, and Social Location: Toward a Missional Hermeneutic.” Interpretation 61 (2007): 42–58.

Barram, Michael. “‘Fools for the Sake of Christ’: Missional Hermeneutics and Praxis in the Corinthian Correspondence.” Missiology 43.2 (2015): 195–207.

Barram, Michael. “‘Located’ Questions for a Missional Hermeneutic.” 2006 paper available at

Bauckham, Richard. “Mission as Hermeneutic for Scriptural Interpretation.” Currents in World Christianity Position Paper 106 (1999).

Beeby, Harry Daniel. “A Missional Approach to Renewed Interpretation.” In Renewing Biblical

Interpretation, edited by C. Bartholomew, C. Greene, and K. Möller, 268–83. Grand Rapids: Zondervan; Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000.

Bekele, Girma. “The Biblical Narrative of the Missio Dei: Analysis of the Interpretive Framework of

David Bosch’s Missional Hermeneutic.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 35.3 (2011): 153–58.

Brownson, James V. “A Response at SBL to Hunsberger’s ‘Proposals . . .’ Essay.” The Gospel and Our

Culture Newsletter eSeries 2 (2009). Available at resources/articles/response-sbl-hunsbergers-proposals-essay.

Brownson, James V. “Speaking the Truth in Love.” International Review of Mission 83 (1994): 479–504.

Carriker, Timothy. “The Bible as Text for Mission.” In Bible in Mission, edited by Pau- line Hoggarth, Fergus Macdonald, Bill Mitchell, and Klaus K. Jørgensen, 29–39. Oxford: Regnum, 2013.

Cerny, Pavel. “The Relationship between Theology and Missiology: The Missional Hermeneutics.” European Journal of Theology 19.2 (2010): 104–9.

Choi, Hunn. “Multicultural Hermeneutics and Mission.” Asbury Journal 70.1 (2015): 111–39.

Flemming, Dean. “Exploring a Missional Reading of Scripture: Philippians as a Case Study.” Evangelical Quarterly 83.1 (2011): 3–18. 334

Flemming, Dean. “Revelation and the Missio Dei: Toward a Missional Reading of the Apocalypse.” Journal of Theological Interpretation 6.2 (2012): 161–78.

Flemming, Dean. “‘Won Over without a Word’: Holiness and the Church’s Missional Identity in 1 Peter.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 49 (Spring 2014): 50–66.

Goheen, Michael W. “Bible and Mission: Missiology and Biblical Scholarship in Dialogue.”

In Christian Mission: Old Testament Foundations and New Testament Developments, edited by Stanley E. Porter and Cynthia L. Westfall, 208–32. Eu- gene, OR: Pickwick, 2010.

Goheen, Michael W. “Continuing Steps toward a Missional Hermeneutic.” Fideles 3 (2008): 49–99.

Goheen, Michael W. “A Critical Examination of David Bosch’s Missional Reading of Luke.”

In Reading Luke: Interpretation, Reflection, Formation, edited by C. G. Bartholomew, J. B. Green, and A. C. Thiselton, 229–64. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005.

Goheen, Michael W. “The Importance of Narrative Theology for Mission.” In Engaging the Nations:

Contours of Mission Theology in Global Perspectives, edited by Robert L. Gallagher and Paul Hertig. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, forthcoming.

Goheen, Michael W. “The Mission of God’s People and Biblical Interpretation: Exploring N. T.

Wright’s Missional Hermeneutic.” Paper for “A Dialogue with N. T. Wright. Jesus: A Public Figure Making a Public Announcement. Mission, Worldview, and the People of God,” Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar, San Francisco, 18 November 2011. Available at

Goheen, Michael W. “A Missional Approach to Scripture for the Theological Task.” In The End of

Theology: Shaping Theology for the Sake of Mission, edited by Jason S. Sexton and Paul Weston. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, forthcoming.

Goheen, Michael W. “The Urgency of Reading the Bible as One Story.” Theology Today 64 (2008): 469–83.

Goheen, Michael W., and Christopher J. H. Wright. “Theological Interpretation and a Missional

Hermeneutic.” In A Manifesto of Theological Interpretation, edited by Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath Thomas. Grand Rapids: Baker, forthcoming.

Gorman, Michael J. “Missional Musings on Paul.” Catalyst On-line 37.2 (2011). Available at

Green, Joel B. “Neglecting Widows and Serving the Word? Acts 6:1–7 as a Test Case for a Missional

Hermeneutic.” In Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior: Essays in Honor of I. Howard Marshall, edited by J. Laansma, G. Osborne, and R. Van Neste, 151–60. Carlisle: Paternoster; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011.

Guder, Darrell L. “Biblical Formation and Discipleship.” In Treasure in Clay Jars: Patterns in Missional Faithfulness, edited by L. Y. Barrett, 59–73. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.

Guder, Darrell L. “Missional Hermeneutics: The Missional Authority of Scripture—Interpreting Scripture as Missional Formation.” Mission Focus: Annual Review 15 (2007): 106–21.

Guder, Darrell L. “Missional Hermeneutics: The Missional Vocation of the Congregation—and How Scripture Shapes That Calling.” Mission Focus: Annual Review 15 (2007): 125–42.

Guder, Darrell L. “Missional Pastors in Maintenance Churches.” Catalyst Online 31.3 (2005). Available at

Hendriks, H. Jurgens. “Contextualising Theological Education in Africa by Doing Theology in a Missional Hermeneutic.” Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 77.2 (2012).

Hesselgrave, David J. “A Missionary Hermeneutic: Understanding Scripture in the Light of God’s Mission.” International Journal of Frontier Missions 10.1 (1993): 17–20.

Hunsberger, George R. “Proposals for a Missional Hermeneutic: Mapping a Conversation.”

Missiology 39.3 (2011): 309–21.  Available at

Hwang, Jerry. “‘My Name Will Be Great among the Nations’: The Missio Dei in the Book of the Twelve.” Tyndale Bulletin 65.2 (2014): 161–80.

Jabini, Frank S. “Witness to the End of the World: A Missional Reading of Acts 8:26–40.” Conspectus 13.1 (2012).

Keene, Timothy. “A Missional Reading of 2 Corinthians 5:11–6:2; especially 5:21.” Transformation 30.3 (2013): 169–81.

Kelly, Michael B. “Biblical Theology and Missional Hermeneutics: A Match Made for Heaven… on

Earth?” In Eyes to See, Ears to Hear: Essays in Memory of J. Alan Groves, edited by P. Enns, D. J. Green, and M. B. Kelly, 61–76. Phillipsburg: P&R, 2010.

Lee, Byungohk. “A Missional Hermeneutic of the Other: A Dialogue between Levinas and Confucianism.” Missiology 41.4 (2013): 416–26.

Lee, Kyuboem. “An Urban Missional Reading of Genesis 1.” New Urban World Journal 3.1 (2014): 59–66.

LeMarquand, Grant. “From Creation to New Creation: The Mission of God in the Biblical Story.”

In Waging Reconciliation: God’s Mission in a Time of Globalization and Crisis, edited by I. T. Douglas, 9–34. New York: Church Publishing, 2002.

Lines, Kevin P. “Exegetical and Extispicic Readings of the Bible in Turkana, Kenya, and North America.” Asbury Journal 66.1 (2011): 65–94.

Magda, Ksenija. “A Missional Reading of Rom 15:1–12.” Evangelical Journal of Theology 2.1 (2008): 39–52.

Nugent, John. “Response to Kyuboem Lee: An Urban Missional Reading of Genesis 1.” New Urban World Journal 3.1 (2014): 67–68.

Okure, Teresa. “‘In Him All Things Hold Together’: A Missiological Reading of Colossians 1:15–20.” International Review of Mission 91 (2002): 62–72.

Penner, Peter F. “Practising Community in the Early Church: A Missional Reading of the Summary

Texts in Acts.” In Mission in Context: Explorations Inspired by J. Andrew Kirk, edited by J. Corrie and C. Ross, 77–91. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.

Russell, Brian D. “What Is a Missional Hermeneutic?” Catalyst On-line 36.4 (2011). Available at, Mary. “Response.” Mission Focus: Annual Review 15 (2007): 122–24.

Sexton, Jason. “Reading the Parables Theologically to Read Them Missionally: Test Cases from the

Early Galilean Parables in Luke’s Gospel.” Currents in Theology and Mission 40.3 (2013): 165–78.

Stone, Lawson G. “Inhabiting the Garden: Bible, Theology and Mission.” Asbury Journal 66.1 (2011): 6–30.

Wagner, Ross. “Missio Dei: Envisioning an Apostolic Reading of Scripture.” Missiology 37.1 (2009): 19–32.

Wieland, George. “Reading Acts Missionally in a City of Migrants.” In God’s People on the Move:

Biblical and Global Perspectives on Migration and Mission, edited by VanThanh Nguyen and John N. Prior, 144–58. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2014.

Wielenga, Bob. “The Suffering Witness: A Missiological Reading of Lamentations.” In Die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi 41.1 (2007), 69-86.

Wielenga, Bob. “Renewal and Reconstruction: Holy Writ in Ezra-Nehemiah—A Missional Reading.” In Die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi 47.1 (2013).

Wolters, Albert M. “Mission and the Interpretation of Zechariah 8:20–23.” In That the World May

Believe: Essays on Mission and Unity in Honour of George Vandervelde, edited by Michael W. Goheen and Margaret O’Gara, 1–13. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “‘According to the Scriptures’: The Whole Gospel in Biblical Revelation.” Evangelical Review of Theology 33.1 (2009): 4–18.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “Lamentations: A Book for Today.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 39.2 (2015):     59–64.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “Mission and Old Testament Interpretation.” In Hearing the Old Testament:

Listening for God’s Address, edited by Craig G. Bartholomew and David J. H. Beldman, 180–203. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “Mission as a Matrix for Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology.” In Out of

Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation, edited by C. Bartholomew et al., 102–43. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “The Old Testament and Christian Mission.” Evangel 14.2 (1996): 37–43.337

Wright, Christopher J. H. “Old Testament Theology of Mission.” In Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, edited by A. Scott Moreau, 706–9. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “‘Prophet to the Nations”: Missional Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah.”

In God of Faithfulness: Essays in Honour of J. Gordon McConville on His 60th Birthday, edited by J. A. Grant, A. Lo, and G. J. Wenham, 112–29. London: T&T Clark, 2011.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “Truth with a Mission: Reading All Scripture Missiologically.” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15.2 (2011): 4–15.

Wright, Christopher J. H. “Truth with a Mission: Reading Scripture Missiologically.” In Fanning the

Flame: Bible, Cross, and Mission, edited by P. Gardner, C. Wright, and C. Green, 221–39. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.

Wright, N.T. “Paul and Missional Hermeneutics”, in The Apostle Paul and the Christian Life: Ethical

and Missional Implications of the New Perspective, edited by S. McKnight and J.B. Modica, 179-192. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016.

Journal Issues Devoted to the Topic of Missional Hermeneutics

Encounters Mission Journal 29 (June 2009): “The Bible and Mission.”

Encounters Mission Journal 33 (May 2010): “The Psalms and Mission.”

Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 5.1 (February 2014): “Missional Hermeneutics.”

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Tradition Enquiry in the Evangelical Tradition, Part Five: Journals Catering toward Evangelical Scholarship

  Introduction Tradition Enquiry for Evangelicals will involve engaging with past and present scholarship within the broad tent of 'Evan...

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