False Teaching in the ‘Later Times’: A Look at 1 Timothy 4.1-5


In 1 Timothy 4.1-5, Paul mentions two particular teachings that characterise the ‘later times’.  They are forbidding of marriage and abstinence of certain foods.  These two issues seem relevant to the situation that Timothy was facing in the Ephesian church, or even more broadly that the Church at that time was facing.  This exegetical note intends to answer the question, ‘How does this contextual teaching about marriage and foods in Paul’s day relate to the false teaching in ‘later times’?

The passage in question reads as follows:

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, 3 who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer (1 Timothy 4.1-5, ESV).

Interpretations of this passage rightly point out that what Paul means by ‘later times’ refers to the times initiated since the coming of Christ.  A contemporary reader will typically read the ‘later times’ in reference to the end of this age just before Christ returns.  Both interpretations are correct, since the ‘later times’ refers to the time between Christ’s first coming and His second coming.  Like Paul and Timothy, despite two thousand years of time, we live in the ‘later times’.  However, we might add that, whatever characterises this whole period will especially characterise what will happen at the very end of this period.  To use Jesus’ image in His apocalyptic discourse, what happens now is but the beginning of the birth pains (Matthew 24.8; Mark 13.8).  Judaism at the time thought in terms of two ages: this age, and the age to come.  The early Church understood these ages to overlap, marked by the first and second coming of Christ.  Thus, we live with some indication in the present of the age to come, and we live in the latter days of the present age.  In this way, then, what Paul says that the Ephesian church is experiencing regarding false teaching is a manifestation of the increase in false teaching that would occur in the ‘later times’ of the present age.

The contribution to the discussion I would like to offer comes in thinking more about the false teaching about marriage and food.  Commentaries will rightly discuss how the role and status of women and views on marriage are issues in the Ephesian church.  They will also rightly raise the issue that the early Church engaged with various views about food, particularly given the food Laws from the Old Testament that posed problems for the Church, with an increasingly large Gentile component.  Furthermore, they will rightly explore the challenge of asceticism in the culture at the time—this was a larger issue than just one among Jews, some Christians, or the initial gnostic teaching that the Church would address over the next century.  There were ascetic practices in other circles, such as among the Pythagoreans.  All that is worth considering as part of a full exegesis of the passage.

However, what is missing in this discussion is a relationship between the eschatology of the ‘later times’ and these two teachings.  Paul addresses specific problems in the church, and he understands himself to be living already in the ‘later times’.  Yet we still must ask, ‘What is the relationship between these two issues and what he expects to be the case in the later times, especially in the end of the later times when wickedness will increase?’

The increase of lawlessness—opposition to God’s Law—will characterise the end of this age (Matthew 24.12).  Similarly, Peter says that ‘there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies’ (2 Peter 2.1) and ‘scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires’ (3.3).  Given the general expectation of wickedness at the end of this age, signalling the coming of the actual end and God’s final judgement, how does Paul relate the issues in the Ephesian church to this end-time false teaching and evil?

Moreover, what has the forbidding of marriage to do with abstinence from certain foods?  The standard answer that this has to do with asceticism of some sort may identify the character of the false teaching, but it is not the reason that it is an end-time false teaching.  The answer to this question is that Paul has in mind a false teaching to do with creation—and this is the missing point in commentaries (I have not checked them all!).

Note how Paul responds to these false teachings.  It seems odd to speak of ascetics as ones with a seared conscience (v. 2).  Do not ascetics have an overactive conscience?  Note that Paul responds to the asceticism around food with a comment about God’s creating all things ‘good’—a repeated word in Genesis 1.  Thus, what connects the ‘later times’ to these teachings is not the specific teaching of asceticism that we find in various religions and in some quarters of Christian teaching over the years.  The connection is that the later times will see a rejection of what God has created.  It will be a time when people will oppose nature itself, the way God made the world.  Asceticism can be a way in which people reject creation, but any rejection of the way God made the world—and made it good—is a rejection of God and a turning to lawlessness and wickedness.

In our day, for example, gender, marriage, and family have been under a severe attack.  We might draw some parallel with what occurred in the days of Noah or in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah—societies that rejected marriage and sexuality as God intended them to be and that God wiped out in judgement.

Thus, what Timothy had to address in the Ephesian church was an iteration of the sort of false teaching that characterises the ‘later times’.  In our day, we see constant opposition to the good of creation, especially in terms of gender, sexuality, marriage, and family.  Western culture and some Asian cultures in particular have turned away from any belief in God, let alone His creation of the world.  The West’s postmodern culture has rejected objective truth and insisted that we create our own identity—the sin of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2-3).  The first humans in the creation story wanted to be like God by determining good and evil for themselves rather than submit to God’s good.

While Timothy may have witnessed an ascetic attack on the good of God’s creation, and while Paul saw in this an indication that they were living in the later times, we witness the later times in our day expressed in the rejection of gender, marriage, and family.  Whether this means we are living in the actual end of the ‘later times’, we will only know when the end actually comes.  That this is an indication of the increase of wickedness and lawlessness characteristic of the ‘later times’ is a fact.  What we see in our day is an attack on the human identity of unborn children, the gender surgeries on children, the invention of additional genders in the minds of people, the redefinitions of marriage, the acceptance of premarital sex, the proliferation of divorce, and the sexualisation of children.  This is the turning away from God of the culture, but it is equally a false teaching endorsed by those who introduce this turn away from the Creator into the Church in our day.[1]  With Paul, we can say, ‘in the later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…’ (1 Timothy 4.1).

[1] For further discussion of this matter, see Rollin Grams, ‘The Antinaturalism of Late Postmodernity,’ Bible and Mission Blog (14 May, 2020); https://bibleandmission.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-antinaturalism-of-late-postmodernity.html (accessed 26 October, 2023).

The Analogy of the African Clawed Frog and the Church in Wales


The disciples and the master passed along the Welsh coast on their way from Cardiff to Swansea.  About halfway, they spent several days in the region of Dunraven Castle, enjoying the ruins, beaches, and cliffs.  One day, sitting amidst the grounds of the old, ruined castle, a discussion arose among them about why the Church in Wales was crumbling into ruin as well.  ‘More than ten Anglican churches close each year,’ one of them said.[1]  Another commented, ‘Some say that it will be extinct by 2040, if not before.’  A third said, ‘Two years ago, the clergy voted in favour of blessings for same-sex, so-called “marriages” and civil unions.  The bishops support pride marches, homosexual unions, and transgenderism while denouncing the historic teaching of the Church.’[2]

The master said, ‘Now that is a point worth noting.  Almost all the old denominations in Wales are in decline, indeed, it is so throughout the United Kingdom and the Americas.  The Welsh Presbyterians, United Reformed, Church in Wales, Welsh Independent, Roman Catholic, Scottish Episcopal, Methodist, Church of Scotland, Church of England, Baptist, Salvation Army, and Open Brethren.  In almost all the cases, though, they are not declining because of what they once taught but because of what they now teach.’

One of the disciples quipped, ‘It’s like an actress dying not because she is old but because her plastic surgery to have a new face killed her.’

‘Quite right, and I’ll give you another analogy,’ said the master.  ‘In this very area of Dunraven, a strange thing happened not long ago in the world of frogs.  Back in early 20th century, some researchers in South Africa discovered that the African clawed frog could be used to tell if a woman was pregnant.[3]  If the urine of a pregnant woman was injected under the frog’s skin, the frog would produce eggs.  Excited to learn this, some of these frogs were brought to the United Kingdom.  However, a few of them escaped or were released from their labs in the 1960s.  Scientists checked up on the escapees from time to time, noting that the colony was growing.  However, this new species carried the deadly chytrid fungus.  Worrying that they would transmit it to the native frog population, the scientists decided to eradicate the African species in 2008.  Traps were set, but only one frog was caught over the next few years!  They had declined and become extinct all by themselves.  The scientists could only speculate what happened.  The winters of 2009 and 2010 were severe, and an extreme drought would have prevented tadpoles growing into adulthood.  Also, the hungry, adult frogs eat their tadpoles.  So, the new frogs flourished for about fifty years, but did not last.  Who among you knows the meaning of this analogy?’

‘I’ll give it a go,’ one of the disciples said.  ‘The introduction of new but heretical teaching might be exciting, but it is ultimately deadly.  It can kill others, destroy the youth, and ultimately kills itself.  As goes the African clawed frog, so goes the Church in Wales.’

‘Precisely,’ said the master.  ‘Innovative teachings capture the whims of some for a time.  They even flourish.  They kill and destroy, and sometimes they leave nothing behind.  Ultimately, though, they disappear because they are not the truth.  This new teaching of sexual promiscuity and anti-naturalism in the Church of Wales is quickly destroying it.  It is a fungus introduced into and spreading throughout the old Church, killing everything.  It not only kills the historic Church, it itself will soon die.  Whenever the Church ceases to be a buttress and pillar of the truth, it collapses, just like this old Dunraven fortress.’

‘A riveting story,’ quipped another of the disciples.

Two interesting things happened next.  A couple of disciples located an unusual looking frog nearby.  While they were all looking at it, wondering if it might be a surviving African clawed frog, a tourist group came walking by.  The disciples noticed that, in the group, there was a pregnant woman.  They exchanged glances, and one of the disciples, named Peter, stood up, grabbed the frog, and took a few paces towards the group.

‘Stop,’ said the master.  ‘Sit down, and don’t even think about it.’

[1] David W. Virtue, ‘The Decline and Fall of the Church in Wales,’ Virtue Online (5 September, 2019); https://virtueonline.org/decline-and-fall-church-wales (accessed 15 October, 2023).

[2] Carys Moseley, ‘Church in Wales Abandons the Christian Faith,’ Anglican Ink (10 September, 2021); https://anglican.ink/2021/09/10/church-in-wales-abandons-the-christian-faith/ (accessed 15 October, 2023).

[3] For the story, see Ben Frampton, ‘Escapee Pregnancy Test Frogs Colonised Wales for Fifty Years,’ BBC News (29 June, 2019); https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-44886585 (accessed 15 October, 2023).

A Note on Romans 3.25's Hilastērion

 In the English Standard Version translation of Romans 3.25, we read that 'God put [Jesus Christ] forward as a propitiation [hilastērion] by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.'  Discussion of the meaning of hilastērion in this verse weighs three options (not mutually exclusive):

1. 'Mercy seat,' that is, the place of the sacrifice of atonement in the holy of holies of the Temple.

2. 'Expiate,' meaning the removal of sin and guilt, such as with a sacrifice.

3. 'Propitiate,' meaning the removal of sin and guilt and appeasement of wrath/anger.

'Propitiation' includes the meaning of 'expiation' but adds the notion that anger towards the sinner must also be removed.  Discussion of this matter typically looks at the Old Testament background, such as the discussion of the Day of Atonement sacrifice and the mercy seat in Leviticus 17.  It also typically looks at the meaning of the Greek word hilastērion.  My note introduces a passage from Tacitus, written in Latin, for the discussion and has to do with what an average Roman reading Paul's letter might have understood.

When the Roman commander, Germanicus, was threatened with his life while putting down a mutiny among his troops, he sent his family away to safety and then said to the angry soldiers:

My wife and children whom, were it a question of your glory, I would willingly expose to destruction, I now remove to a distance from your fury, so that whatever wickedness is thereby threatened, may be expiated[1] by my blood only, and that you may not be made more guilty by the slaughter of a great-grandson of Augustus, and the murder of a daughter-in-law of Tiberius’ (Tacitus, Annals 1.42).[2]

Thus, the cultural context in which Paul writes certainly entertained the notion of providing a blood sacrifice to appease the wrath of someone.  

Readers in the Roman church who were recent, Gentile converts would not have needed to understand the Jewish celebration of the Day of Atonement or the mercy seat in the temple.  The added notion of appeasement of wrath is also understandable in the Roman notion of a blood sacrifice. 

'Expiation' is certainly a part of Paul's meaning--this is a sacrifice, after all.  Yet 'propitiation' is a more complete notion.  The 'wrath of God' (Romans 1.18) is against the sin of the human race is the problem throughout Romans 1.18-3.20.  'All have sinned and come short of the glory of God' (Romans 3.23).  A sacrifice that removed sin, guilt, and God's wrath was required, and only Jesus Christ could do so.

That the Jewish practice on the Day of Atonement provides deeper meaning for this passage is something Jews and older Christians could explain in the church in Rome to new, Gentile converts.  The 'mercy seat' understanding of this verse makes good sense for those acquainted with the Old Testament.  Psalm 78 also adds depth to our understanding of Romans 3.25 and 26.  Psalm 78.38 (ESV) reads:

Yet he, being compassionate,
atoned for their iniquity
and did not destroy them;
he restrained his anger often
and did not stir up all his wrath.

The 'mercy seat', Day of Atonement, and a text like Psalm 78 would provide the new, Gentile convert a deeper theological understanding of Paul's words, but he or she would certainly have understood the notion of a propitiatory sacrifice, a blood sacrifice to assuage God's wrath.

[1] The Vulgate translates Romans 3.25’s hilastērion with propitionem, propitiation.  The Latin in the Tacitus quote is a verb, pio, which means ‘to seek to appease, appease, propitiate’.  Thus, the notion of sacrificing one’s own blood to appease an angry mob is understandable to the culture.  ‘Expiate’ in this translation is not the best word choice.

[2] Cornelius Tacitus, Complete Works of Tacitus, trans. Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb (New York: Random House, rep. 1942).  In Annals 1.49, Tacitus says that the angry soldiers wanted to march against the enemy ‘as an atonement [piaculum, the noun associated with the verb, pio] for their frenzy.’  The word is associated with appeasement of their own anger.

Reading Romans: Paul’s Missional Interpretation of the Old Testament


I. Introduction

In my teaching on Romans over the years, the interpretation of Romans that I have offered is not entirely in agreement with the so-called Old Perspective on Paul (OPP) or the New Perspective on Paul (NPP).  My understanding of Paul’s theology and of his letter to the Romans might be expressed as a Missional Interpretation of Paul (MIP).  A missional interpretation is a narrative reading of the Old Testament that relates God’s salvation history in the OT to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  As such, it is not only Paul’s theology but also Paul’s interpretation of the OT or, better put, for Paul theology is Old Testament theology.  To state that again, Paul was an Old Testament theologian.

As a side note, anyone reading this who has not taken my course on Romans might wish to look at several of my lectures on YouTube:

Paul, the Law, and the Gift of Grace:

            Parts I and II: https://youtu.be/42KsNoBz8X8

            Part III: https://youtu.be/S1z_DzKgc84

            Parts IV, V, and VI: https://youtu.be/ruk26EgXkc8

New Perspective on Paul: https://youtu.be/eWssFrXqFVc


In my teaching of Romans in general, I often engage more with some of the old perspectives from Augustine and the Reformation than with the NPP.  This is partly because I believe that New Testament theology is not only a theological synthesis of exegetical material.  It is also an academic study in the mode of tradition interpretation.  Too much of New Testament studies in general is a conversation of the past few years of scholarship with the text of the Bible rather than being a study of the text in light of two thousand years of Christian interpretation.  Moreover, the NT itself is an interpretation of the OT.  I find both the OPP and the NPP lacking in failing to understand Paul and theology in general as a study of the interpretation of Scripture (rather than doctrines) in light of this long tradition of enquiry.  The NPP has rightly criticised the OPP for reading Paul in light of the issues of the 16th century.  Yet its own sociological approach to Paul (i.e., Paul addressing Jewish and Gentile fellowship) has reduced Paul too much to a missional pastor responding to his own social context rather than seen him as a missional theologian explaining the Scriptures to his churches.  There can be overlapping agreement with both the OPP and the NPP in this focus, but it is ultimately a different approach to Paul and to interpreting Romans.

The primary purpose of this essay is to explain more about the NPP for those who have sat through my course on Romans, though others might find it helpful as a simple introduction to some of the NPP notions.  The NPP is really a grouping of various views since E. P. Sanders wrote in 1977 (see below); it is more about new perspectives than a single, new perspective.  The over forty years of scholarship on the NPP has produced a variety of views and exegetical interpretations that one could follow in much greater depth.  Thus, this essay is a very basic introduction, and it is mainly meant to highlight where my interpretation of Romans have taken different paths from the NPP (and also sometimes from the OPP).

In essence, the NPP on Paul entails redefining Paul’s understanding of the human plight and God’s solution in more group and social categories rather than individual categories:

        The human plight is not about the individual’s or the Jews’ failure to obtain righteousness through works of the Law but about believing community’s relationship to God and one another as Jews and Gentiles.

        The solution is not God’s declaring us just because of Christ’s imputed righteousness but is about our participation in Christ.

Looking back over the past forty years of the NPP, what stands out to me is how much this perspective actually fits into shifts in intellectual thinking in the West.  The West has increasingly shifted the emphasis in intellectual enquiry from the Modernist dominance of science to the Postmodernist dominance of the social sciences in the university.  The NPP has proved to be a good example of this in Pauline studies.  Paul is read in terms of the social concern of the relationship of Jews and Gentiles in the Church.  (And I have also appreciated this point, but it must not dominate.)  The issue of the Law is understood as a social issue (Jewish identity).  The new approach to Paul was presented by E. P. Sanders in terms of his own social concern to affirm Jews and Judaism.  The OPP’s view of justification is replaced with a social interpretation of participation in Christ, of God’s faithfulness to His covenant relationship with His people, and of Christ’s faithfulness.  All such points come to be dealt with through exegesis, but one should not let the Western intellectual context escape one’s awareness of these social emphases.  I do believe that the context has been ripe for receiving the NPP, and this has explains why people have often been so receptive to the interpretations of the NPP interpreters.  If so, we will eventually see some of the NPP interpretations fade, as the dominance of Rudolf Bultmann has faded—even disappeared altogether—since the 1980s in Pauline scholarship.

II. Three Ways for Reading Romans

A. The Old Perspective is not only more individualistic, answering the question, ‘How might I, a sinner, be saved?’  It is also a ‘transactional’ interpretation of salvation.  So, for Martin Luther (Old Perspective), the question of how I get right with God is answered with the following emphases:

        Focus: individual. 

        ‘All have sinned’ (Rom. 3.23): Every individual has sinned (Rom. 1.18-3.26)

        Problem with the Law: Pride in my works of righteousness.  Thus, all works are a problem: for the Jew living by works of the Law and for the Catholic Pelagian of the 16th c. doing works to earn salvation.  (Jews = Catholics on Luther’s view.)

        Solution: God’s justification of the sinner through Christ’s righteousness imputed to us and our faith in Him (esp. seen in Rom. 3.21-5.21).  Righteousness is alien, not ours: it is Christ’s righteousness.

        Reason for Romans: Paul writes out his theology.

        Election in Rom. 9-11 is about God’s electing individuals to salvation and about God’s predestination of the elect for salvation.  (For Calvin, it is also about predestination of the rest to condemnation.)

        Justification by faith is soteriological and forensic (God the judge saying that the sinner is justified through God’s grace in Jesus Christ paying the debt for sin and our believing in His salvation).

        ‘Faith of Jesus’ = belief in Jesus, not Jesus’ faithfulness.

        Ethics: Justification is different from sanctification, otherwise ‘works’ remains a part of salvation.  Luther’s emphasis was so strongly on an ‘alien righteousness’ of Christ and on God’s grace that he could say that a Christian is simul iustus et peccator (at the same time just and a sinner).  Calvin understood justification as part of Christian regeneration, and so there was a closer link between justification and sanctification.  Anabaptists thought both Luther and Calvin were too weak on the transformation in God’s salvation work: ‘justification’ was God’s work (contra Catholics), but it was a making the sinner righteous (an even closer link between justification and sanctification).  The OPP is a Lutheran and Calvinist perspective, not Anabaptist (or Catholic) perspective.

        Hermeneutics: The OPP interprets Romans and Paul through Protestant, systematic theological lenses (‘election,’ ‘justification,’ ‘predestination,’ etc.).

B. The NPP shifts interpretation of Paul to a more social reading.  The ‘righteousness of God’ is about God’s covenantal faithfulness.  The thrust of Romans is about the two groups and their relationship to one another, Jews and Gentiles.  ‘Works of law’ are better understood as Jewish works/laws that separate Jews from Gentiles (circumcision, food laws, special Jewish holy days).

Since the Jews did not believe that they were saved by works but were God’s elect people, Paul could not have been writing about the Pelagian problem in 16th c. Catholicism, i.e., that I can earn my salvation through works.

While ‘justification’ is still read forensically, as in the OPP, according to N. T. Wright (NPP), it ‘denotes a status, not a moral quality.  It means “membership in God’s true family’ (Justification, p. 121).

‘Faith of Jesus’ is Jesus’ own faithfulness (not my belief in Jesus).  Emphasis is not so much or only on Jesus’ being a sinless sacrifice as his being a faithful Israelite.  ‘It was not so much that “God needed a sinless victim,” though in sacrificial terms that is no doubt true as well, as that “God needed a faithful Israelite,” to take upon himself the burden of rescuing the world from its sin and death (Wright, Justification, p. 204).

Thus, the key question for Paul (and in Romans) is, ‘How do Jews and Gentiles integrate in the church?’  The NPP thereby offers a different perspective from the OPP on a number of fronts, with some variation in how scholars have pursued these:

        Focus: social. 

        ‘All have sinned’ (Rom. 3.23; Rom. 1.18-3.26): both groups, the Jews and the Gentiles

        Problem with the Law: divides Jewish and Gentile believers (only Jewish ‘covenant badge’ laws are the problem: food, special days, circumcision).

        Solution: participation in Christ (Rom. 5.12-8.39)

        Reason for Romans: Paul addresses the Jew-Gentile situation in the Roman church (e.g., in God’s plan of salvation, Rom. 9-11; regarding Jewish food or special days, Rom. 14-15)

        Election (Rom. 9-11) is not about personal salvation but Jews and Gentiles in God’s plan

        Righteousness of God’ is about God’s covenantal faithfulness.  Justification is about status; it is forensic, not moral.

        Faith of Jesus’ is Jesus’ faithfulness.  Emphasis is not so much or only on Jesus’ being a sinless sacrifice as his being a faithful Israelite.

        Ethics: life in Christ entails a new way of life.

        Hermeneutics: introduction of a narrative reading of Scripture and of Paul’s theology in particular.


C. The approach that I have taken in my teaching of Paul and of Romans is that both the OPP and the NPP have some good points and bad points and, ultimately, a different perspective is needed.  I suggest calling this a Missional Interpretation of Paul (MIP).  Over against a primarily systematic theological reading (OPP) or a more social reading (NPP) of Paul, I find a missional (Paul the apostle/missionary; the Old Testament as God’s salvation history) and interpretation of the Old Testament reading of Paul (especially in Galatians and Romans) more helpful and accurate.  Of course, there are ways in which all three readings of Paul can overlap.  However, here are some contrasts:

Paul’s main question in Romans is ‘How are Jewish and Gentile sinners, despite God’s revelation of righteousness to both, made righteous in Christ and by the Holy Spirit?’  This leads to the following interpretational issues:

        Focus: the missional Gospel works obedience of faith for both the individual and the two groups in God’s plan: Jews and Gentiles. 

        ‘All have sinned’ (Rom. 3.23; Rom. 1.18-3.26): both groups, the Jews and the Gentiles, and therefore all individuals in Adam (Rom. 5.12-21)

        Problem with the Law: as a revelation of sin and righteousness, the Law no more solves the problem of sin than natural revelation does (Rom. 1.18-3.20); it succumbs to the power of sin (Rom. 7.7-25).  Rom. 7.7-25 has to do with life outside of Christ and under the Law, without the Spirit.  The Christian life is contrasted to this in Rom. 8.1-39.

        Solution: God’s mission is to reveal His glory, in which His people will share.  Sinners fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3.23).  God reveals His justice through the atoning sacrifice of Christ (Rom. 3.21-26) and the transformation of life in Christ and the Spirit (5.12-8.39).

        Reason for Romans: Paul addresses the situation in the Roman church, which mirrors his own missional challenge of Jews and Gentiles becoming the people of God, which is a result of God’s mission to reveal His glory in His mercy on both Jews and Gentiles (Rom. 11.32-36).

        Election and Predestination (Rom. 9-11) are discussed in terms of God’s plan for salvation.  These are corporate and ‘plan’ categories, despite examples of some individuals to make the points—and these examples are about God’s plan of salvation and not their individual salvation.  This whole discussion is about Jews and Gentiles in God’s plan.

        ‘Righteousness of God’ is about God’s being and working His righteousness for sinful people—Jews and Gentiles--that brings forgiveness and moral transformation.  ‘Justification’ (a forensic notion) is only half of Paul’s point; the other half is about how, by God’s righteousness, He makes us ‘Righteous.’

        ‘Faith of Jesus’ is our faith in Jesus.  It contrasts with ‘works of Law’ and has to do with what is required of people to reach the goal of righteousness (Rom. 10.4).

        Ethics: God’s glory is revealed in His people’s faith in His work and their obedience that results from life in Christ and the Spirit.

        Hermeneutics: We should appreciate a narrative reading of Scripture and Paul’s theology, especially through a missional lens—God’s mission and our inclusion in it.

III. The New Perspective on Justification and the Center of Paul’s Theology

The Lutheran version of the OPP placed justification by faith at the centre of a systematic theology.  The Calvinist version placed God’s sovereignty at the centre, but it, too, read Romans with the main topic being justification by faith.  The traditions interpreted justification by faith similarly: individualistic, forensic, alien righteousness of Christ.  An alternative interpretation arose early in the 20th century with Albert Schweitzer—from within the Lutheran, German world of Pauline interpretation.[1]  Schweitzer claimed that, while Paul’s theology of justification was one way of understanding Romans, it was not the only way and was, in fact a minor ‘crator’ into which his theological teachings fell.  The larger crater was what he called Paul’s ‘mysticism’ and which other subsequently have better termed ‘participation in Christ’.  For Schweitzer, Paul argued justification by faith in Romans 3.21-5.21.  As this theology could not answer Paul’s question in Romans 6.1, ‘Shall we sin so that grace may abound?’, he turned to his mysticism.  Thus, ‘justification’ (in the Lutheran and Calvinist sense) did not produce a reason for Christian ethics, but ‘being in Christ’ did.  Romans 6 speaks of dying and rising with Christ and being baptised into Christ such that the sinner is transformed and able not to sin.

Somehow, Schweitzer failed to see how Paul connected ‘justification/righteousness’ in Romans 4-5 with chapter 6.  (English readers of these chapters must remember that the same Greek word stands behind these two translations of dikaiosunē).  The New Perspective on Paul built on this distinction, arguing that Paul’s theology was not about justification as God imputing (reckoning) the alien righteousness of Christ to us (OPP) but was about our participating in the righteousness of Christ.

Krister Stendahl advanced this challenge to reading Romans in terms of justification.  He claimed that: Paul did not, like Martin Luther, wrestle with the question,[2] ‘Am I righteous?’  Paul was not  an angst-ridden personality. This wrong understanding was due to the West’s mindset of an ‘introspective consciousness,’ and it resulted in a misreading of Rom. 7.7-25 as to do with Paul’s internal fight.  Stendahl says of himself, ‘as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless’ (Phl. 3.6).  Thus,

        ‘Justification by faith’ was polemical and not central for Paul.

        It was developed in regard to the rights of Gentile believers in the Christian community.  Jews and Gentiles alike are justified by faith.

        In the West, it came to be interpreted as an abstract doctrinal response to either human despair (failing to fulfil the Law’s demands, cf. Luther) or human pride (living up to the Law’s demands): ‘the introspective conscience of the West.’

IV. The New Perspective on Paul and Judaism

While E. P. Sanders’ arguments in Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) were not new, his considerably in-depth study of second temple Jewish literature and his bringing several ideas together led to what later would be called the New Perspective on Paul.  George Foot Moore had already argued in 1927 that Judaism did not believe in works righteousness.[3]  This was the central thesis of Sanders, who framed his argument in terms of Judaism’s ‘pattern of religion’.  By this, Sanders meant how Judaism answered two questions, and the answers he found lined up rather well with a good Presbyterian reading of Paul!

        How Do You Get In?: You get in by grace (God’s election of His covenant people)

        How Do You Stay In?: You stay in by grace and living by the Law (obedience to the Law was not how you get in; God graciously provides covenantal means for dealing with sin, such as sacrifices and forgiveness)

These two questions and answers Sanders called ‘covenantal nomism’.

Significantly, Sanders did not include in his examination of Jewish literature a study of the 1st c. AD work, IV Ezra, which does offer a strong emphasis on works.  Even so, Sanders showed the vein of grace running deep in the Jewish bedrock of religion.  After all, we might add, Paul argued that this was the right reading of the Old Testament, so why should this not show up as an emphasis in Judaism?  If so, though, we need to point out that the Pelagian theology of 16th century Catholicism could not be identified with Judaism: the latter was not a ‘works righteousness religion.’

What, then, does this mean for our reading of Paul—and of Romans in particular?  Two things.  First, Paul’s problem with the Law and his problem with Judaism was not that they had to do with a righteousness of works.  This point led James D. G. Dunn and some other NPP interpreters to claim that ‘works of Law’ were not any laws but Jewish ‘covenant badges’—identity marker laws (circumcision, food laws, Jewish holy days).[4]  (This made sense logically on this line of reasoning, but I have argued it is not exegetically sound at all.)  Not only Paul (Stendahl) but also Judaism was not exercised by a problem of sin that the Law could not solve.  The Jews were happy in their covenantal nomism.  Why, then, did Paul set up the problem in Romans as the plight of sin for Jews (Romans 2.17-29)?  Surely, Jews did not reason from a plight of sin to a solution of justification but of covenantal inclusion by God, who elected them to be His people.  For Sanders, this was Paul’s was of constructing a plight to come before the solution of God that he presents in Romans.

Second, Paul’s problem with the Law was simply that it was not Christ.  Since Jews did not reason from a plight to a solution, Paul had to invent the plight and therefore had to begin with a solution.  (This argument was soundly defeated by Frank Thielman, From Plight to Solution.[5]  Jews did wrestle with the plight of sin in the Old Testament and in second temple literature.)  So, for Sanders, Paul reinterprets the Jewish plight in light of Christ.  He reasons backwards from Christ’s solution to the Jewish plight.  An especially important verse for Sanders was Galatians 2.21: if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.  Therefore, if Christ died for our sins, we must have had a plight of sin after all.  For Sanders, then, Paul reasoned from the cross of Christ backwards to the plight of sin—even for Jews.

VII. The New Perspective on Justification

Another prolific NPP author has been N. T. Wright.  One of his contributions to the NPP has been his attempt to understand justification in a new light.[6]  Amazingly, he has attempted to argue that justification is not soteriological but only covenantal and juridical in Paul:

Justification’ is thus the declaration of God, the just judge, that someone is (a) in the right, that their sins are forgiven, and (b) a true member of the covenant family, the people belonging to Abraham….  It doesn’t describe how people get in to God’s forgiven family; it declares that they are in.

(Note how Wright’s interpretation picks up on Sanders’ covenantal nomism language.)  One should always be very wary of earth shattering interpretations that have not been entertained through the centuries.  Stephen Westerholm has provided a solid response to Wright in various books.[7] 

Justification in Paul is now supposed to be seen as Jewish covenantal nomism.  What, then, is Paul’s difference from Judaism?  Essentially—as with Sanders—the difference is that Paul adds ‘Jesus Christ’.  Jesus was the one true and righteous Israelite on whom the promises of God’s covenant fell, and Christians are participants in this covenant because they are ‘in Christ’.  This fancifully skirts around the cross as an atoning sacrifice and simply puts the emphasis on our participation in Christ and God’s declaration that we are in.

Wright argues that the order of salvation does not understand ‘justification’ as the salvation event.  Note the order Paul gives in two passages:

2 Thes. 2.13-14: God loved, chose, called, glorified

Rom. 8.29-30: God foreknew, foreordained, called, justified, glorified

For Wright, since justification is the declaration by God that those with faith belong to Christ, the ‘call’ is the salvation event in the order of salvation in 2 Th. 2.13-14 and Rom. 8.29-30.  Thus, ‘justified’ in Rom. 8.29 is not a salvation term.  It is

something that follows on from the ‘call’ through which a sinner is summoned to turn from idols and serve the living God, to turn from sin and follow Christ, to turn from death and believe in the God who raised Jesus from the dead…. Justification’ is the declaration which God at once makes, that all who share this faith belong to Christ, to his sin-forgiven family, the one family of believing Jews and believing Gentiles together, and are assured of final glorification.[8]

Wright’s view is not wholly opposed to the OPP. For example, he emphasises the forensic understanding of ‘justification’—it is not about our being made righteous but about our being declared righteous because of God’s righteousness (though for Wright this simply means His fidelity to the covenant relationship). 

Wright helpfully draws attention to two Qumranic texts for a discussion of God’s justification.[9]

1QS 11.2–3; 12; 13–15

As for me,

 my justification is with God.

In His hand are the perfection of my way

 and the uprightness of my heart.

He will wipe out my transgression

 through his righteousness. . .


As for me,

 if I stumble, the mercies of God

 shall be my eternal salvation.

If I stagger because of the sin of flesh,

 my justification shall be

 by the righteousness of God which endures for ever. . .


He will draw me near by His grace,

 and by His mercy will He bring my justification.

He will judge me in the righteousness of His truth

 and in the greatness of His goodness

 He will pardon all my sins.

Through His righteousness He will cleanse me

 of the uncleanness of man

 and of the sins of the children of men,

that I may confess to God His righteousness,

 and His majesty to the Most High.[10]

Another Qumran text, 4QMMT, has the phrases ‘works of the Law’ and ‘reckoned to you as righteousness’.  This is the language of Galatians and Romans. 

4QMMT, lines 26-32

26 Now, we have written to you 27 some of the works of the Law, those which we determined would be beneficial for you and your people, because we have seen that 28 you possess insight and knowledge of the Law. Understand all these things and beseech Him to set 29 your counsel straight and so keep you away from evil thoughts and the counsel of Belial. 30 Then you shall rejoice at the end time when you find the essence of our words to be true. 31 And it will be reckoned to you as righteousness, in that you have done what is right and good before Him, to your own benefit 32 and to that of Israel.[11]


Wright says that 4QMMT offers parallels to Paul.  In both, justification is understood as covenantal and eschatological.  Paul sees the eschatological event as having arrived in the cross and resurrection of the Messiah and with the gift of the eschatological Spirit.  This event has established the new covenant community, now open to all.

This is true.  However, I would further point out that this Qumran text does not limit ‘works of the Law’ to Jewish identity markers.  Also, it suggests that doing works of the Law will lead to being reckoned as righteous by God for both the individual and for Israel.  Note, therefore, that here we also find the idea of the extension of a righteous person’s merit to others.  The teaching about works of the Law here is directly contrary to what Paul says in Galatians and Romans.

Of course, the OPP rightly holds that justification is the salvation event.  It also rightly understands justification as God’s reckoning sinners to be righteous apart from any works.  Further, it rightly understand that this is because Jesus’ righteousness has been imputed to them just as Adam’s unrighteousness had been imputed to them.  Where the OPP wobbles, however, is in not drawing this point further into ethics.  Being in Adam did not just make us guilty, it also made us sinners (Romans 5.12).  In the same way, Jesus’ righteousness did not just bring us justification, it also made us righteous (which was the goal of the New Covenant all along).  In this way, the argument of Romans 3.21-5.21 flows logically and consistently into Romans 6 (contra Albert Schweitzer, e.g.).  One of the greatest blunders of the OPP, then, is to read Romans 7.7-25 as descriptive of Christians.  In opposing this, I have found no benefit from the NPP.  One will find greater help from a pre-NPP scholar like Morna Hooker.[12]

VII. The New Perspective on Narrative and Theology

One development in Pauline studies that began to emerge after E. P. Sanders’ Paul and Palestinian Judaism was a narrative reading of Paul’s theology, as well as of other New Testament authors’ theology.  Narrative theology was introduced to theological studies earlier, but it did not take root in Biblical studies until the 1990s.  The first such work already appeared in 1981, with the dissertation of Richard Hays, The Faith of Jesus Christ.[13]  Hays argued that Paul’s theological argument in his letter to the Galatians worked from an underlying narrative perspective.  N. T. Wright made major contributions to a narrative reading of the Bible and of Biblical theology from the 1990s.  He writes,

What I miss entirely in the Old Perspective, but find so powerfully in some modern Pauline scholarship, is Paul’s sense of an underlying narrative, the story of God and Israel, God and Abraham, God and the covenant people, and the way in which that story came to its climax, as he says, ‘when the time had fully come’ with the coming of Jesus the Messiah.[14]

The narrative theological reading of Paul can be related to Biblical metanarratives like Adam (creation and the fall), Israel (from the patriarchs to the return from exile), and the Gospel of Jesus Christ (from incarnation to His second coming).  Hays, and some other NPP scholars, have seen the ‘faith of Jesus’ as Jesus’ faithfulness to be a link with Israel’s story of unfaithfulness.  My own, unpublished dissertation, completed in 1989, argued that the Gospel as a theological narrative of Jesus was a major basis for Paul’s mission and ethics.  Paul directly linked the plot of Jesus’ story (incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and future Parousia) with his missional and ethical understanding.[15]

While a narrative theological reading of Paul can be linked to the NPP, there is no necessary link between the two approaches to Paul.  (I made no such link in my dissertation, e.g.)  For our purposes in discussing Paul’s theology in Romans, we can say that a narrative reading has been helpful apart from any NPP.  We have rejected reading ‘faith of Jesus’ as ‘Jesus’ faithfulness.’  Yet Paul does work from narrative frameworks in Romans: Adam (creation and the fall), Israel’s history of pursuing righteousness (Law, failure), Israel’s predestination and election, God’s plan of salvation that includes all humanity in terms of both the Jews and the Gentiles, and the Gospel as the narrative of Jesus Christ.  One significant point that I have pressed in my reading of Romans is that Paul’s primary question in this letter is not ‘How can I, a sinner, be justified before God?’ but is ‘How can both groups of humanity, Jews and Gentiles, who are sinful despite God’s revelation of righteousness, be made righteous in Christ and by the Holy Spirit?’  The first question is a more OPP, systematic theology sort of question.  The second question is a more narrative, missional, and ethical question.  It is, of course, thoroughly theological, but it is theological in just these ways.  Thus, Romans 7.7-25 is not about my struggle with sin even as a Christian; it is about how the Law fails to make the sinner righteous.  Romans 9-11 is not an election or predestination theology for the individual Christian but about God’s election plan regarding both groups, Jews and Gentiles.  Ethics, moreover, is not related to theology in a way often stated as gratitude for grace.  Christian ethics is grounded more firmly in the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit.  From a narrative perspective, the Old Testament narrative of Israel’s exile and return is not only about God’s gracious delivery of the sinful Jews from their punishment in exile. It is rather about God’s ‘new covenant righteousness’ whereby He removed Israel’s sin and gives them His Spirit and transformed hearts that they might now fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law (cf. Isaiah 59.20-21; Jeremiah 31.31-34; Ezekiel 36.24-27).  In these ways, I have presented an interpretation of Romans that diverts a number of times from the OPP, but it is not defined by a NPP either.  Perhaps it could be called a Missional Interpretation of Paul (MIP), since my argument has been that Paul’s theological argument arises from his comprehension of God’s missional purposes in the Old Testament in light of the story of Christ Jesus (the Gospel).


The focus of this essay has been on some aspects of the NPP.  In my teaching, I have engaged more with the OPP, and so this essay has provided some more balance.  I have also, however, brought out some key ways in which my alternative (the MIP) to both the OPP and the NPP differs. While this essay is long in one sense and yet far too brief to cover so much material, it is an attempt to conclude my teaching on Romans.

[1] Albert Schweitzer, The Mysticism of the Apostle Paul, 1930, ET 1931)

[2] Krister Stendahl, ‘The Apostle and the Introspective Conscience of the West,’ Harvard Theological Review 56.3 (July, 1963): 191-215.  Later in Paul Among Jews and Gentiles and Other Essays (1976).

[3] George Foot Moore, Judaism in the First Three Centuries (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Pub., 1997; orig. 1927).

[4] James D. G. Dunn, Romans, Vols. 38a and b (Word Biblical Commentary; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015; orig. 1988).

[5] Frank Thielman, From Plight to Solution: A Jewish Framework for Understanding Paul's View of the Law in Galatians and Romans (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2008; orig. 1989).

[6] N. T. Wright has written so much that pointing to a single work is difficult.  On the positive side, his views can be accessed online.  E.g., cf. N. T. Wright, ‘The Shape of Justification’ (http://www.thepaulpage.com/the-shape-of-justification/).

[7] Stephen Westerholm, Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking a Pauline Theme (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2013).  More recently, see Stephen Westerholm, Romans: Text, Readers, and the History of Interpretation (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2022).

[8] Ibid.

[9] Cf. N. T. Wright, ‘4QMMT and Paul: Justification, ‘Works,’ and Eschatology,’ accessible:

http://ntwrightpage.com/Wright_4QMMT_Paul.pdf; Originally published in History and Exegesis: New Testament Essays in Honor of Dr E. Earle Ellis for His 80th Birthday, ed. Aang-Won (Aaron) Son (New York and London: T & T Clark 2006), pp. 104-132.

[10] Words in bold are mine.  Let us add several points regarding this passage.  Note the relationship between ‘justification’ and ‘righteousness.’  Note the language of ‘sin of the flesh’ and God’s goal being both the pardon of sins and the work of cleansing and making righteous.  Note that this is spoken by an individual about personal sin.  And note that the focus of this missional activity is, as the last two lines show, a confession of the righteousness of God and the majesty (or glory) of God that He has revealed in what He has accomplished.

[11] Cf. ‘The work of the Law’: Rom. 2.15; ‘Works of Law’: Gal. 2.16 (3 times); 3.2 (vs. ‘hearing of faith’), 5 (vs. ‘hearing of faith’), 10; Rom. 3.20, 28 (vs. justified by faith)’ ‘Law of Works’: Rom. 3.27.

[12] Morna D. Hooker, ‘A Partner in the Gospel: Paul’s Understanding of His Ministry,’ in Theology and Ethics in Paul and His Interpreters: Essays in Honor of Victor Paul Furnish, eds. Eugene Lovering, Jr. and Jerry Sumney (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996).  Also: Michael Gorman, Cruciformity: Paul’s Narrative Spirituality of the Cross (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001).

[13] Richard Hays, The Faith of Jesus Christ: The Narrative Substructure of Gal. 3.1-4.11, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2002; orig. 1981).

[14] ‘N. T. Wright, ‘New Perspectives on Paul,’ 10th Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference: 25–28 August 2003; online: http://www.ntwrightpage.com/Wright_New_Perspectives.htm).

[15] Rollin G. Grams, ‘Gospel and Mission in Paul’s Ethics’ (Duke University PhD Dissertation, 1989).  The dominant approach to Paul’s ethics was eschatological at the time.

Tradition Enquiry in the Evangelical Tradition, Part Five: Journals Catering toward Evangelical Scholarship

  Introduction Tradition Enquiry for Evangelicals will involve engaging with past and present scholarship within the broad tent of 'Evan...

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